Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sticky Tupperware and other hints...

In my 16 years with Tupperware I was often asked about what to do with stained or sticky Tupperware. Here are my best ideas!

Prevent staining to begin with. If you have a Tupperware container that had sauce or something else that would stain in it, BEFORE you wash the container wipe it out with a paper towel and then rinse in COLD water - never hot. Hot water will set the stain. Once it has been wiped out and rinsed you can go ahead and wash it in hot soapy water.

Get rid of stains!
  • If you have an automatic dishwasher, chances are you don't have stains on your Tupperware because the detergent contains bleach.
  • There is a product called "Plastic Booster" that you put into the bottom of your dishwasher before running the wash. This also helps eliminate stubborn stains.
  • If all else fails, or if you don't have a dishwasher then there are two tactics.
  1. Fill the sink with hot water and a 1/4 of bleach. Put in the Tupperware and let it soak. After soaking wash with warm soapy water. This will work for stickiness.
  2. For stubborn stains there is one FREE solution that is absolutely the best - the SUN! Simply put your stained piece on your patio or wherever you get a lot of strong sun, let it sit for a day or two and your stain should be gone.

Odors in your Tupperware? Simply crumple up some black and white newspaper, put it inside the container, seal and let it sit for a day or two. The odors will be gone.